


Offering hands-on packaging with patent-pending sterility and preservation technology, PuroMAP® is ideal for seed-to-sale growers or standalone dispensaries.  If you want to ensure your retail products maintain compliant levels of CFU’s without worrying about Growth-Over-Time this is the solution for you. Place your product and your empty consumer packages (jars, pouches etc.) into the chamber, and watch your packaging become sterilized from the inside to out.

After the sterilization step, oxygen is then removed from the chamber via the PuroMAP® process by vacuum and inert gas is injected into the chamber suspending any new CFU growth inside your sealed packaging.  Rest assured preserving the shelf-life of your valuable products.

Modified Atmospheric Packaging

  • Mobile “Modified Atmospheric Packaging” solution
  • Ideal for: Growers | Dispensaries
  • Gives users the ability to place any known/unknown contaminants into “suspended animation” and prevent any new CFU growth
  • Add shelf life to your products like the food industry
  • Ensure compliance and protection from random State testing of finished products